Item Coversheet


All Other Actions and Requests

TITLE: COVID-19 Emergency Responses
DATE: March 16, 2020
PRESENTED BY:Mark L. Heydlauff, City Manager

Given the unprecedented conditions posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, I would request Council grant me authority to act in some unique situations that would otherwise require Council approval and consent. There are already provisions for emergency purchases but this would clarify for the intervening period my authority to take action. With the President's National Emergency Declaration last week, we have begun tracking virus related expenses in hopes of receiving reimbursement under the Stafford Act.


Public Act 390 is the State of Michigan Emergency Management Act. It authorizes interlocal agreements and mutual aid to ensure orderly government is continued during an emergency. Pursuant to this, I would like your authorization to enter such agreements without Council authorization (it should be noted we have several agreements already in place for fire, EMS and law enforcement).


I would also like your authorization to modify the functioning of City government by closing buildings to the public, modifying work schedules, cross-training staff, and instituting other measures deemed advisable according to public health authorities.


Finally, in light of the economic challenges and in consultation with the City Treasurer, I recommend the waiving of late fees that would ordinarily be in effect on utility bills effective today through May 31, 2020 and cease utility shut-offs for non-payment until the May 31, 2020.


As for upcoming meetings, the City Council is not scheduled to meet again until April 6, 2020. I would suggest Council authorize the Mayor to postpone this meeting if, in his judgement, holding this meeting would run counter to the advice of public health authorities at the time. Furthermore it is my intent, to not bring any substantive business (beyond consent agenda items) to Council until at least April 20, 2020. All items otherwise scheduled for tonight's agenda have been moved to this date. I would also suggest Council postpone meetings of the DDA, Planning Commission, ZBA, and Shade Tree and Parks Commission until at least April 20, 2020.


Motion to authorize the City Manager to take all necessary and reasonable actions in line with the recommendations of public health authorities to procure services and supplies for the good operation of City government and emergency measures as may be needed until April 30, 2020 and waive specific authorization from Council where otherwise required.


Motion to authorize the City Manager to take all necessary actions including entering into interlocal agreements and other actions as may be contemplated pursuant to the Stafford Act and Emergency Management Act until April 30, 2020.


Motion to authorize the City Manager to modify the hours, practices, and personnel policies of the City in order to protect the health of residents and employees in ensuring continuity of operations.


Motion to waive utility late fees from March 16, 2020 until May 31, 2020 and cease utility shut-offs for non payment during the same period.


Motion to authorize the Mayor to determine if the regular City Council meetings scheduled after March 17, 2020 should be postponed and direct the various boards and commissions of the City to not meet until at least April 20, 2020.