Item Coversheet


New Business

TO:Planning Commission 

FROM:Dean Martin, Community Development Fellow

Priority Redevelopment Sites - Visioning Session

DATE:June 14, 2021

With the Redevelopment Ready Community certification accomplished, Charlevoix can begin the process of realizing one of the most direct benefits of the program – marketing the City’s Priority Redevelopment Sites.


Priority Redevelopment Sites are properties within the city that are vacant or underutilized, and ready to bring greater use and value to the community. The most important aspect of a priority redevelopment site is the owner’s willingness to see the property transformed, either through sale, or their own redevelopment efforts. Since certification, the City Manager, Downtown Development Authority Executive Director, and Chamber of Commerce President have been contacting property owners, gauging their desire to redevelop key properties.


Attached are 5 selected sites engaged for priority redevelopment status. The Planning Commission’s role in this process is to help create a vision for the future of these sites. The visions could consider recently collected stakeholder input, past plans and priorities, future land use, uses harmonious with the Master Plan, or other parameters set by the Planning Commission.


The visions and recommendations established for each site will help the City, property owners, and Michigan Economic Development Corporation create design renderings and marketing narratives. These elements are vital to attracting development in line with the community’s goals for underutilized properties.

101-109 Hurlbut Avenue
107, 109 Bridge Street
109 Mason Street
115 Antrim Street
1021 May Street